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Board and packaging

Pulp that meets the future demands of cartonboard

Rottneros produces several types of pulp suitable for cartonboard production. Robur Flash sulphate pulp is produced at Vallvik Mill and is an excellent choice for increased strength and convertibility. The mechanical pulp produced at Rottneros Mill makes it possible to produce a thicker, and hence more rigid cartonboard, from the same amount of raw material.


Meeting the food industry’s stringent demands for pure pulp

Rottneros pulps are characterised by just how pure they are. This means that neither the flavour nor the odour of the pulp affects the food, so it meets the strict requirements for packaging and liquid packaging, such as milk and juice packaging.

The unbleached pulp produced at Vallvik Mill – Robur Flash UKP – is ideal for brown liquid packaging board. The mill’s enormous washing capacity makes it possible to produce a very pure pulp.

About Robur Flash UKP

Our specialists optimise your end products

Eco-friendly and bio-based packaging solutions are in demand to replace fossil-based options. The steady growth in online shopping means that the need for cartonboard is growing. Rottneros mechanical pulp provides high strength and rigidity at low weight, which are valuable properties when it comes to food packaging.

This mechanical pulp is also used for our own high-quality molded trays - Nature by Rottneros - which are used for food packaging and industrial applications.

More about our fiber trays


Erik Gillberg
Erik Gillberg
Head of sales, Mechanical pulp
Kasper Skuthälla
Kasper Skuthälla
Sales and Business Development Director

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