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Meet our employees

Rottneros needs many different types of experts and skills – all of them are of equal importance for Rottneros. Your commitment can take the department to a new level and your ideas can inspire and open up new development paths, both for Rottneros and for yourself.

Johan Nabb
Hanna Hummel and Anders Gåsste
Jenny Annerstedt

Employees at Rottneros AB, Rottneros Packaging and Nykvist Skogs

Employees at Rottneros AB work on general concerns of the Group. Nykvist Skogs in Gräsmark offers forestry services. Rottneros Packaging in Sunne develops sustainable fiber trays. 

Anna Boss, Energy Specialist

Lina Edin, Financial Manager

Emil Lundh, Development Engineer

Yukari Tsuji, Process Engineer

Nils Hauri, Chief Innovation Officer

Hanna Hummel, Quality Manager

Meet the employees at Rottneros Mill

Rottneros Mill is located in Sunne. We are investing here in increased capacity, solar power park and battery storage. 

Jerry Sohlberg, Warehouse worker

Mattias Olsson, Electrician

Jimmy Thunander, Product Manager

Jenny Annerstedt, Operations Engineer

Stuart Whittaker, Accounting Economist

Join the Rottneros family

Here you will find positions vacant at our units in Sunne, Rottneros and Vallvik. Our Group is expanding in step with our investments, so we regularly seek reinforcements
within several of our professional areas.

Job opportunities

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We offer apprenticeships at upper secondary level, arrange trainee programs for university or college graduates, internships and study visits.

Career development

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