Suppliers secured for Rottneros Group's investment in renewable energy
- “We have worked in close cooperation with those companies that received our request. Both Nordic Solar and Powerworks have demonstrated great technical expertise and will to find solutions that suit the customer's needs," says Sofia Hidén, site manager at Rottneros Mill outside Sunne.
With these contracts in place, everything is lined up to build the Rottneros group's first solar park and energy storage.
“ For us, this is a new type of production. It is of great value for Rottneros to have support in optimizing the lifespan and performance of the energy investment. Both suppliers can help us with that in a good way”, says Sofia Hidén, site manager at Rottneros Mill.
The facility is expected to generate 3 GWh/year. It is a smaller part of the electricity consumption in the factory, but an important part of the Rottneros Group's long-term sustainability strategy.
The facility is expected to be operational by the end of August 2024
The history of Rottneros Mill dates back to the 1630s.
Four hundred years ago, when Rottneros Mill was founded, it was all about making iron. At the end of the 19th century, the production of paper and pulp started on the same site where pulp is now made and exported to the whole world. The site also has an energy history. Rottneros has played a key role in providing the region’s industry with hydropower generated electricity throughout the ages. Today, Fortum owns the Rottnen power plant, which generates hydropower in close proximity to the Rottneros Mill.
For further information please contact:
Sofia Hidén, Site Manager, Rottneros Mill
+46 (0) 270-622 00, [email protected]