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The Rottneros share

Rottneros informs shareholders and the rest of the world through multiple channels. Annual reports, quarterly reports, press releases and presentations are available here:

Reports and presentations


Rottneros shares have been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1987 and are classified as a company share in the Basic Resources Mid Cap segment.

Key facts as of the end of 2024:
- Rottneros’ market capitalization was approx. MSEK 1,374 
- The share price was listed at SEK 8.96
- The number of shareholders was 12.979
- The proportion of foreign shareholders was 66.1 percent
- The share capital amounted to SEK 153,393,890 
- The number of shares was 153,393,890


Share price

  SEK ( %)

Share data

wind turbines


Rottneros contributes to a cleaner world with its products, creates stimulating work opportunities in smaller locations and offers long-term sustainability and profitability.


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