Group management's work

Group management
The President leads the work of Group management and makes decisions in consultation with other members of the management team. This team comprises the President and seven additional individuals: one site director, the COO, CFO and four heads of Group staff. The management team has regular business reviews led by the President, often in conjunction with visits to the various units belonging to the Group.
President and CEO
The President's responsibility as stipulated by the Swedish Companies Act and other legislation is to manage the Company’s day-to-day business according to the Board’s guidelines and instructions and to implement the measures necessary to ensure that the Company’s bookkeeping is managed in a satisfactory manner. The President also ensures that the Board receives the information it needs on an ongoing basis to monitor the Company’s and the Group's financial situation, position and development in a satisfactory way and to otherwise fulfil its reporting obligations with respect to the Company's finances.
The Company's President manages the business within the frameworks established by the Board of Directors in the specific Terms of Reference for the President. These Terms of Reference include the President’s responsibility for day-to-day business and matters that always require Board decisions or that must be reported to the Board, as well as the President’s responsibility for presenting financial reports to the Board. The President works with the Chair to produce the materials required for information and decisions at Board meetings, and also presents matters for discussion and justifies recommendations. The Board of Directors evaluates the work of the President on an ongoing basis.