Management for sustainable profitability and sustainable growth

Rottneros is a Swedish publicly-traded company, with its head office in Sunne, and listed in the Mid Cap segment on Nasdaq Stockholm.
The corporate governance reports cover both the parent company Rottneros AB and the Group.

Corporate governance
The foundation for corporate governance within Rottneros is based on the Swedish Companies Act, the Stock Exchange’s regulatory framework, the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”).

Structure for corporate governance
The adjacent map summarizes how corporate governance is organized. Internal governing instruments are articles of association, rules of procedure, instructions for the CEO, committees. budget and policies. External instruments are ABL, ÅRL, the Code, the Stock Exchange's rules and other relevant laws.

The Board of Directors
Rottnero's board consists of five members elected by the general meeting without deputies, as well as two members and two deputies appointed by the employees. The principle is that the managing director is not a member of the board.

General meetings
The general meeting, or as the case may be
extraordinary general meeting, is Rottneros highest decision-making body. All shareholders have the right to participate, to have a matter dealt with and have the same number of votes as the number of shares.
Here on the right, you will find the answers to some common questions regarding Rottneros' corporate governance.
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How does Rottneros' board work?
The board meets regularly and follows routines to follow up strategy, finance and risk management. The board has several committees that focus on different aspects of corporate governance. Rottneros follows the Swedish code for corporate governance and ensures transparency, accountability and efficient management of the company. Read more about the board's work here.
Who are the company's Board members
Rottneros' board of directors consists of five members elected by the general meeting without deputies, as well as two members and two deputies appointed by the employees. The board members have expertise in various areas, such as industry, finance and sustainability. Here you will find more information about the board of directors.
How is the management team organized?
The management team is responsible for the Group's operational leadership. The management team consists of the CEO and managers with responsibility for various functions and units in the Group, and they play an important role in achieving the company's targets. The CEO leads the group management's work and makes decisions in consultation with the rest of the management. Read more about the management team.
What is Rottneros' policy for remunerations?
Rottnero's remuneration policy is designed to attract and retain key personnel through competitive and market-based compensation. The policy includes both fixed and variable salary, pension and other benefits, and is linked to the company's long-term targets. The remuneration is based on the employee's performance, the company's results and shareholder value.
How can I access Rottneros' corporate governance reports?
Our corporate governance reports are available here. The corporate governance report describes how Rottneros is managed and controlled. It describes, among other things, the board's work, internal controls and the auditors' role.
What is determined in Rottnero's articles of association?
The articles of association are a basic document that regulates the company's operations. It establishes rules for share capital, number of shares, composition of the board and other important aspects of the company's governance. It can only be changed by decision at the general meeting.