Five reasons to choose
Rottneros as employer

Many of our almost 300 employees live near the mills, but many travel a few miles every day. The average working time at Rottneros is 14 years. We think that is a good grade. So, what is it that makes them choose us? We have tried to summarize some of the most common reasons.
To make a difference
Our business is needed for society to function normally. But we are also an important player in the transition to products made from renewable forest raw materials, which is ongoing worldwide. It is necessary partly to save animals, the sea and nature from plastic waste but also to slow down climate change. You can make a difference when you work for us.
Small but big
The Rottneros share has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1987. But if you compare us with other pulp manufacturers in Sweden, we are not that big. Our greatness lies in our flexibility. It is easy for us to adjust and adapt to changes. In addition, we have a history that stretches back over a hundred years in time. That says it all.
Pulp is our passion
Our core business is to produce pulp from raw materials from the forests in Värmland and Hälsingland. In fact, our unbleached pulp from Vallvik is one of the world's purest pulps and can therefore be used for very sensitive electronic products. Otherwise, you will find our pulps in everything from food packaging with high demands, to oil filters, toilet paper, shoe soles, quality magazines and sustainable food trays.
Social responsibility
We are constantly working to improve social sustainability here at Rottneros, such as gender equality, skills development and our common values. Every year, our employees receive a sum for their own wellness, which can be spent on massage, exercise or similar activities. It is important that everyone feels safe and respected, which has also led to a stricter alcohol policy at staff functions and dinners.
Personal and natural
Our units are located in Sunne in Värmland and in Vallvik, near Söderhamn in Hälsingland, Sweden. These are smaller towns that have a lot to offer, for both nature and culture enthusiasts. Sunne is a tourist metropolis with Selma Lagerlöfs Mårbacka, water park, spa facilities, parks and theatres. Söderhamn is located by the sea with 1,200 archipelago islands and is a mecca for kayaking, boating and swimming.
The group employs around 300 people.
All employees are covered by collective labour agreements.
The average length of employment at Rottneros is 14 years.
Collective agreements for all employees
All Rottneros Group employees are covered by collective union agreements. Collective agreements have been concluded with Pappers (Swedish Paper Workers' Union), Unionen, Ledarna (Swedish Organisation for Managers) and Sveriges Ingenjörer (Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers).