Hanna Blomqvist, HR
Hanna Blomqvist, HR Business Partner, Rottneros AB, är Vallvik Mill’s contact person for the work placement operator training courses organised every other year, together with Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund.

Hanna, can you tell us about the process operator training?
“When our employees retire, we have difficulty finding replacements, since there is a lack of trained process operators. So we’re working with Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund to provide better preparatory training for operator positions. Trainees spend most of their 50-week long training here at the factory in Vallvik outside Söderhamn. Trainees take the same courses as technical college industrial programs for process technology, worth a total of 1,000 points.”
What’s the set up?
“In 2021, the trainees had three weeks of theory, reviewed the issue of safety, and had an introductory course before they started their practical training at the mill. Further theory is slipped in from time to time over the course of the year. It was a little special because of the pandemic. Some years there’s been more theory before they arrive here.”
How is it funded?
“Anyone who is admitted, about 5-6 trainees in each session, are eligible for financial funding through CSN. Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund runs the show when it comes to training, and can help with this aspect. In addition, Rottneros also contributes to some extent."
Are trainees guaranteed work afterwards?
“No, we give training so that they can integrate an industry and a profession. Trainees are not unequivocally promised a job, nor do they have to accept if offered one. But we have seen the benefits of directly training future employees; Trainees gain a great deal of insight and knowledge of our specific activities, so therefore a high proportion of trainees are offered employment.”
If someone is not hired, can their newly acquired knowledge be used elsewhere?
”Yes, absolutely. The trainees are awarded a certificate, and have solid experience if they apply for a position other than at Rottneros.”
How many times has the training been held and how do you apply?
“We conducted ten sessions between 2004 and 2021 and another round is to start in April 2022. In 2021, two courses were started in total, so they were run in parallel. Both Rottneros and Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund post ads under job vacancies on the website and advertise upcoming job opportunities in social media.”
What is required of someone as a trainee?
“It requires a lot of time and commitment from everyone involved if it is to work. For many trainees, it’s a completely new experience to work in industry and there’s a lot to get stuck into, so they should be motivated and interested. But the training program is really a win-win situation, both for the trainees and for us as a company.”