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Vacancies - your opportunity
for a career at Rottneros

Job opportunities at Rottneros

Here you’ll find all available vacancies and training opportunities at our facilities in Hälsingland and Värmland. Read more, apply online, and become part of the Rottneros family!  

You can also submit an open application or subscribe to job openings here!

To job opportunities

Hanna Blomqvist och Christoffer Darland

Working with us

What makes nearly 300 employees choose us as their employer? We’ve gathered some of the most common reasons.

Working at Rottneros

Meet our employees

Whether you work as an operator, an electrician, a laboratory technician or a financial expert, you are just as important to Rottneros. Meet some of our amazing employees, all with different professions and perspectives on what it’s like to work here.

Our employees

We are Rottneros

We are Rottneros

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