Sustainable and eco-friendly
Fiber cement

Many benefits of switching to fiber-based building materials
Rottneros unbleached chemical pulp Robur Flash UKP has high purity, the right lignin content or kappa number and is ideal for the production of fiber cement. The building material therefore becomes eco-friendly, durable and also healthy because the pulp can replace harmful materials such as asbestos.

Minimal maintenance and long service life of fiber cement
Fiber cement is a building material made from cement, cellulose fiber and water and is used for cladding façades, roofs and interiors. The use of fiber cement is growing steadily as the material has many attractive properties. Its minimal maintenance requirements and long service life make it cost-effective. Cellulose fibers also have a reinforcing function, making boards lightweight, strong and fire-resistant, with low moisture sensitivity.

Unbleached pulp from Vallvik Mill has the right properties
Rottneros unbleached sulphate pulp has high purity and the right lignin content or Kappa number, which makes it very suitable for the application. Rottneros has been supplying unbleached chemical pulp from Vallvik Mill for the production of fiber cement, mainly to Southeast Asia, for some years now. Unbleached pulp allows building boards to be produced without harmful asbestos.