Nykvist Skogs secures
the Group's supply of raw materials

The raw materials company Nykvist Skogs has been part of the Rottneros Group since 2020 and is run as an independent subsidiary. Nykvist is a comprehensive and certified forest operator, operating throughout Värmland. They contribute to securing the Group's supply of raw materials, primarily from private forest owners who account for around half of forest ownership in Sweden.
Became part of Rottneros in 2020 to secure the Group’s raw material assets. Operated as an independent forest operator.
Nykvist Skogs helps a total of around 1,000 forest owners year after year with all types of forestry services.
Deliveries go to Rottneros Mill and to sawmills and industries in Värmland, southern Sweden and Norway.

Certified forest
Nykvist Skogs can help forest owners certify private forest owners through Prosilva. Read more about Nykvist’s certificates and policies and how we can help you.

Nykvist Skogs AB

Nykvist Skogs AB
Skolvägen 2
686 98 Gräsmark
Skolvägen 2
686 98 Gräsmark