Innovations for new
sustainable solutions

Rottneros likes to get involved in startups and new innovation projects
Thinking modern and acting fast is a good summary of Rottneros’ approach to innovation. A fearless mindset means that Rottneros is happy to test and collaborate with startups, enter into innovation projects and be open to new future opportunities.
Employees responsible for the Group's strategic sustainability work, energy management, digitization and quality development are part of Rottneros´ innovation team.

Recyclable screw caps
In the end of 2023 Rottneros became a co-owner in the Swedish start-up company, Blue Ocean Closure. The company has during its two years of operation, been focused on developing high-quality, bio-based and recyclable paper screw caps, using so-called vacuum press forming technology. The goal is to replace existing plastic solutions on a global market. Rottneros sees the business as a complementary to our work in wet-moulding packaging solutions.

Partner to Sting Bioeconomy
If you don’t have your own research department, you have to work smarter. Rottneros collaborates with Sting Bioeconomy, a company that supports startups and business ideas in the bioeconomy sector. It’s a partnership that allows Rottneros to find others with ideas that correspond to Rottneros’ future thoughts on biocircularity and new areas of use for the clean pulp the mills produce. The picture on the right shows the product Greenwood by Ecopals.

Energy and sustainability
The innovation team are also working on energy and sustainability. A logical solution as energy use is an important part of being able to work sustainably in the long term. It is equally important to incorporate innovative thinking into sustainability efforts. Sustainable behaviours and practices involve employees as much as technological solutions. Read the interview with our energy expert Anna Boss.

Rottneros Packaging
The growing subsidiary Rottneros Packaging focuses on developing molded fiber for recyclable, fiber trays and more for replacing plastic. The idea was born at Rottneros around the year 2000 and led to an innovation project that received international attention. The project was transferred to a company and the product is today called Nature by Rottneros.
Innovation has a strong focus on helping Rottneros to develop in a sustainable way for the future.