A journey with innovation and sustainability in focus

Rottneros dates back to the 1630s when an iron hammer mill was started. At the end of the 19th century, the mill was adapted into a wood-pulp mill and today, the Rottneros Group consists of two pulp mills, a development unit for molded fiber, a forestry operator and a timber purchasing company. We thus have 400 years of experience in development and over 135 years of experience in develop sustainable solutions and producing natural products from the forest.
The groundwood pipe line at Rottneros Bruk shuts down after 130 years in production. Partly due to long-term negative prospects for printing and writing paper, partly due to the dramatically changed situation on the electricity market.
Nykvist Nykvist Skogs AB is acquired to develop the Group's raw material supply.
Rottneros Packaging moves into new production facilities in Sunne.
The Agenda 500 investment program begins. A total of 1 billion SEK is invested over a 5-year period. Production capacity for pulp increases from 370 to 440 thousand tons. The investment also includes environmental and energy measures as well as Rottneros Packaging.
A preferential rights issue of SEK 225 million was carried out in 2009 as well as a set-off issue, which converted SEK 200 million of liabilities into shares. Rockhammar Mill was sold to Korsnäs AB per 1 April 2009. The operation at Rottneros’ pulp mill in Miranda Spain ceased at the turn of the year 2008/2009.
Rottneros expands its operations and starts a new business area, Rottneros Packaging, for the production of trays made of pulp.

Vallviks Mill is acquired from AssiDomän.
The Rockhammar Mill is acquired from the Arel family – its principal shareholder – and other shareholders. Following the acquisition Rottneros is listed on the stock exchange.
The first wood-pulp mill is built at Rottneros Falls, starting Rottneros’ move away from the iron industry and into forestry.